Pre-booking special discount Korea's folding knife pre-booking special discount Korean samurai folding word decoration
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Pre-booking Special Discount Made in Korea Japanese Samurai Style Folding Sword
Catanas with folding and black decorations for cutting bamboo and tatami
Made by the famous Japanese swordsman Matsubaiichi, Sunsei disciple, Korean swordsman Moon Jun-ki, it is also made in Japanese style, and features silver decorations. The beauty of the sword is its value as an ornament or work of art. Fold 7-8 to test durability and Japanese melding by Moon Hee-wan Go Terminal to ensure the quality of the sword in terms of shock absorption, cutting ability and overall craftsmanship.
Considering the economic situation that has become difficult due to wars around the world, etc.
Whether it was made three years ago, it uses silver decorations.
We supply it cheaply to pre-bookers.

Price: Available at a discounted pre-order price of $900, it's easy to buy despite its high-quality craftsmanship and silver decor.

Master Moon Hee-wan, a Japanese iaido master, was in charge of the verification and introduction of swordsmanship.
Pre-booking Special Discount Made in Korea Japanese Samurai Style Folding Sword
It's for cutting bamboo and tatami
It is a sword made by the famous Japanese swordsman Matsubaiichi and Sunsei disciple Moon Jun-ki, a Korean swordsman
Considering the economic situation that has become difficult due to wars around the world, etc
Whether it was made three years ago, it uses silver decorations
We supply it cheaply to pre-bookers
The verification and introduction of the sword performance were carried out by Master Moon Hee-wan, a famous Japanese iaido master

Craftsmanship: Crafted using traditional Japanese sword-making techniques, often involving multiple folds to enhance strength and flexibility.
Material Quality: Utilizes high-quality materials for both the blade and the handle, contributing to superior performance and longevity.
Aesthetics: Emphasis on aesthetics with intricate detailing, artistic designs, and sometimes precious materials such as silver or gold for ornamentation.
Purpose: Balances functionality with artistic expression, suitable for practitioners who appreciate both the artistry and functionality of the sword.
Pricing: Generally more expensive due to the craftsmanship involved, but may offer a unique blend of functionality and artistry.

- blade length 73-76 cm - Total Length 101-103cm
- blade curvaturi ( sori) 2.2
-tsuka length 27cm

-Blade Width: Habaki 3.4cm Kisagi 2.55cm
- Weight 1040-1100g

accessories brown color image-S1L2
accessories khaki color image-S1L3
accessories charcoal color image-S1L4
accessories charcoal color image-S1L5
accessories charcoal color image-S1L6
accessories detail image-S1L7
accessories detail image-S1L8
accessories model image-S1L9